

     With a whole life dedicated to CIMOL, Harald Alberto Bauer was its first principal and a teacher in the school for more than fifty years.

     Professor Emeritus in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, "Mestre Bauer", as he was known by many of his students and admirers, performed the graduation of dozens of citizens that already occupied or still occupy important positions in many spheres in which they operate, both state and federal.

     Also known as "Professor Bauer", he started over thirty years ago one of his passions: a collection of objects that are part of the technology history.

     His goal, since the beggining, was to build a museum with the purpose to preserve many inventions that were and still are useful to the mankind, besides transmiting a little part of the tech history to the actual and future generations.

     Even with his passing in May, 2012, his purpose is still alive and, finally, beggins to materialize with the reform and ampliation of the museum to finally opens to both students and interested people.